Relief Relief

Our Services



Loan Assistance

Loan process is one of the most time consuming processes, Haps is determined to assist the students with loan process. we provide the students with the necessary knowledge in successfully completing the process.

Visa Processing

Haps is highly successful in helping the students apply and acquire the student visa(s) which is the most stressful task for any student. our highly experienced team works round the clock for making the students profile stronger and makes sure that the dreams are never shattered.

Student's Accomodation

At Haps we are dedicated to make the stay a comfortable and exciting ‘home away from home’ for you: a place to live, to learn, to personally grow – and to have fun. Unlimited Wifi access is available in all accomodations.

Career Guidance

Haps aviation has done and is doing an awesome work for getting most of the eligible students a first flying job post training. Our students who meet the flying standards are given a chance in the flight school to work as a flight instructor after they complete the instructor rating. This is subjected to the availability.